About Us

Blue Lotus Software was started in 2001 when its principal, Leslie Howard, was asked to design and maintain a desktop and web based solution for the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges, a non profit organization in Reno, Nevada that provides both education and policy advisement on Family Law issues to the Judicial community throughout the United States. Working closely with the legal team at the NCJFCJ and the Information Technology team at the University of Nevada, Reno, Mr. Howard was able help the Family Violence department create a desktop solution to allow them to import and update the different laws from all 50 states that deal with domestic violence and child abuse. Mr. Howard worked through all aspects of the design and development of the application and also made sure that all users were adequately trained on the application and that all documentation, including test plans, release letters, data dictionaries and system design documents were available for reference for future development work. After completing that project, Mr. Howard worked with the Information Technology team at UNR to export the data and make it available on the Internet so the general public would have access to the various state laws surrounding domestic and family violence in one online location.
Since that time, Blue Lotus Software has continued to provide desktop and internet based solutions for a variety of clients. From small businesses looking to expand market share by establishing or upgrading their online presence to family run cooperatives in need to a desktop based software solution that improves the business process at a reasonable price, whatever the business needs of the client, Blue Lotus Software can help you meet it. While we aren't as large as the major Information Technology firms that specialize in outsourced application developer, we feel we provide a better level of customer service and training than those firms. We believe in maintaining a friendly, yet professional relationship with all our customers, day after day, year after year!