Blue Lotus Software

Besides developing desktop software for retail sale, and handling the training and support for these products, Blue Lotus Software also develops custom software to meet our clients' needs. Whether you need a simple application to handle a specific task or wish to create an in-house application to meet all your needs, Blue Lotus Software can help you achieve your goal.
What type of development work do we do?
At Blue Lotus Software, we currently specialize in developing E-commerce web design solutions to enhance your company's image and/or to increase your company's business though the Internet. We are currently working on developing E-commerce solutions for our customers using the Magento E-commerce development platform because of its superior template and custom driven PHP / My-SQL design methodology.
Why Blue Lotus Software?
While there are many companies out there willing to take on your development work, many times, after the sale, the service from these companies is non-existent. Not at Blue Lotus Software! At Blue Lotus Software, we value our client relationships too highly to simply deliver the product and allow you to "sink or swim". We have certificated teachers and trainers on staff available to help your employees learn the software we have developed for you. We feel that the more comfortable your employees are with the software we have developed, the happier your employees will be, which in turn will benefit you, the client.
The Blue Lotus Difference
At Blue Lotus Software, we encourage our clients to let their employees get involved in the software design process. The people who will be using the software, in our experience, are excellent resources from which to develop ideas and help create the flow of the application. By being involved in the design, they feel part of the "team" working on helping your business grow. We also speak in layman's terms and not "techno-speak" so our clients, and their employees, have a clear understanding of what their goals are and how we can help make it happen.
Feel free to contact us today so we can help you improve your productivity without breaking the bank!